Fitzgerald, “Virtue/Vice Lists,” ABD, 6:857-59. Charts 12-14 and 12-15 combine to produce a comprehensive profile of what it means to be a true Christian in terms of human ethics and moral behavior. In the New Testament, one famous list of eight divine virtues is found in 2 Peter 1:5-7, and a trenchant list of ten wicked vices is given in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. Lists of virtues and vices are often found in scripture (as in the Ten Commandments), as well as in the moralistic writings of the Hellenistic age.
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This is a list of virtues compiled from many sources. 2, 1221 (Compare to Nicomachean Ethics) Vice of excess Vice of deficiency Virtue Irascibility Impassivity Gentle temper Foolhardiness Cowardice Bravery Shamelessness Thin-skinned Shame Envy. Thus to identify the virtues for human beings, one must have an account of what the human purpose is. Table of Virtues and Vices Aristotle Eudemian Ethics, Bk. Chart 12-15, on the other hand, tabulates the many vices that Christians are warned and counseled to shun. The virtue of a knife, for example, is sharpness among the virtues of a racehorse is speed. Consulting and reviewing this list will help the meek and humble followers of Christ to grow in goodness and godliness. But with the help of God, lives can be transformed and these attributes of divine nature can be enjoyed by the Saints. Friedman is also a New York Times bestselling author. The list is long, and without the blessings of the Spirit of God no person can acquire all these many traits of righteousness. George Friedman is an internationally recognized geopolitical forecaster and strategist on international affairs and the founder and chairman of Geopolitical Futures. Chart 12-14, on the one hand, offers a simple listing of the numerous virtues expected of a true Christian. One may glean from the writings of the New Testament references to dozens of virtues and vices.